Stories & insights

Why Stryve

Meet our new Head of European Sales! Read on to learn why Victoria chose to join team Stryve.

July 7, 2023

Victoria Creamer

Head of Sales

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I joined Stryve recently, and here's why.

I have worked in the recruitment world since 2010.  I started as most of us do in agency. I quickly fell in love with the recruitment world - people laugh at that, but Recruitment is finding people jobs they love and employers people they love, what's not to love?! As my career has progressed, I have worked in nearly all areas of the recruitment and across geographies and house, recruitment process outsourcing, recruitment tech sales, recruitment tech and process implementation, recruitment marketing...enough about me.  The point is, I know recruitment and that's why I joined Stryve.

Stryve was founded by Ed in 2019. And guess what?  Ed's a recruiter.  Ed has 20 plus (forgive me for giving away your age Ed) years’ experience in recruitment. Predominantly focused in Private Equity and a range of industries his clients work across. In 2019 Ed got fed up with trying to find the right recruitment solution and built his own (well, he got coders to build it, he's not that clever).

Ed didn't just build an ATS.  We all know, there are literally hundreds of ATS providers in the market, Ed wanted to be different.  Yes the tech is there, yes it is great but what makes us different are the services we provide alongside our talent management system.

Stryve Source

Our Stryve Source campaigns allow us to go to market and proactively find YOU the right candidates.  We don't post on job boards or twiddle our thumbs and wait for applicants to apply, instead we take your role and make it our mission to reach out to the right candidates the Stryve way.  We do this using a number of tools, including AI - artificial intelligence & SI - Stryve Intelligence.  We then give you those appropriate candidate details and applications for you to progress via the Stryve Platform.  A pre-qualified shortlist of the right applicants.  Just imagine.

Talent Plus

Talent Plus, is the ability to use our talent to your advantage.  We have a team of expert recruiters who can run your full life cycle recruitment process.  This includes creating attractive job ad's, proactively approaching the right people, shortlisting, sharing, get the picture.  You can effectively have a full time recruiter, without employing a full time recruiter.  

Recruitment for Recruiters

At Stryve we have developed a recruitment solution built by recruiters for recruiters.  We work on behavioural driven development...we don't develop system features just for fun.  We discuss these ideas and features with our team of awesome developers, simply asking the question...Can it be done? and the only answer they can give is yes or no.  We talk more about how it can be done...and then we sprint.

Sprinting faster than Usain

Ed's impatient.  He wants everything done yesterday.  When we decide on a development, the team are given a sprint time of three weeks.  1 week to build, 1 week to test. 1 week to fix & launch.  Development ideas are discussed DAILY.  We huddle, call, discuss and decide if a feature is going further. So when we say something is coming, Usain is delivering.

Ten days in, and I couldn't be happier that I joined Stryve.  I can't wait to change the world of recruitment.

To book a call with me and learn more about Stryve just click here.

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